Enjoy a VISUAL NOVEL with 10 rooms full of surprise and adventure.

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Follow old man Bojo as he inviteds two friends he newly met at a local pub !

He has a big mansion all to himself and wants to share the mighty construction to all the see. Nobody is conducting satanic rituals under the rooftoop no sir-yyy.

Let me level with you :
Absolute fucking shit mega shit diahreea grandpa na dpick up delivery androids meet at bar for .

Kiddos it contains swear mouth noises. fck off m8 if ye lass mummey cannt allOWo for bad lingustics *hicc* then I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
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It contains 3 """"""endings""""" and a epic froggy chair

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GenreVisual Novel
TagsDark Humor, Horrible, Horror, megashit, shit, Singleplayer, Story Rich, suspense, tags